Blogs from fellow travellers
I added the blogs of two people I have been travelling with the last days to the link list. I have not so much (computer) time here that I can keep up with the blogging, too much happening at once and too few computers with Internet around. The few computers at the hostels we stay in are normally blocked by Facebook nerds. :-P
So for updates about my travels, you might want to check out these too:
Footprints in the Sand from Senana. I have been travelling with her the last few days in Nicaragua and in Guatemala. The blog is sometimes in German and sometimes in English, depending on her mood. Now that she gets to speak enough German with me though, I think it will be in English for now ;-)
Rico Custa 11 from Thorsten. A German soon-to-be student who I met on Ometepe (Nicaragua) and with whom I visited some places in Nicaragua. The blog is in German.