So what is this about?
I think I best start this blog with a short introduction of what I am doing here and what this here will be about. At the start of last semester in Hamburg, I became itchy feet again. I started looking for international exchange program but found out that I missed the deadline for application for almost all programs. Except ERASMUS because the deadline is set by each department individually. When I did the application for ERASMUS for a semester abroad in Granada, I found out that the most difficult part of the so-called application process was to find the person who is in charge of that. To find the person was difficult because it felt as if not really anyone was really in charge of it. Also, I was the only person in the whole department to go abroad this year. Sheesh, if I compare how it works and how popular ERASMUS is in other departments like e.g Sociology I really get the impression that students of Computer Scientists are basement-dwellers.
So, anyway. Out of the hordes of rival applicants I got selected for the programme. (The cool thing: I don’t need to pay the tuition fees of Hamburg, can study here with less living expenses and AND get a stipend)
I arrived in Granada last Saturday and while staying a few days over at a friend of Josema (my friend from Granada who is in Hamburg right now), I managed to explore the city a bit. I really fell in love with the barrio Albazyn, the old Moorish medieval quarter of Granada. But I will write more about that later – this is only the introduction :P
By the way, el tiempo tipico en Granada en marzo es como el tiempo tipico en Hamburgo en junio. 15° to 20°, cloudy and rain from time to time. Como Franz, un sociólogo que me he encontrado ha dicho “So ein Scheißwetter! Wenns hier mal regnet, dann regnets gleich ne Woche!” Mierda. Well, for the last days it rained the whole day with temperatures around 12° but I hope that will be over fast!