Xinjie and Jianshui
Just some pictures from Xinjie, famous for it’s photogenic rice terraces:
In a cozy restaurant in central Xinjie during a thunderstorm. Xinjie (22°C) was a nice change in climate to the tropical heat in Thailand and Laos (34°C) but I think we all got a cold during the cold nights there.
On the market in Shengcun, a village of the Hani ethnic group. Just like in Laos, the Chinese Yunnan province (which itself is as big or bigger than Laos) is full of ethnic minorities – one reason this province might be counted culturally to Southeast Asia rather than China.
A three-wheeler used as a shared taxi. Sometimes they are also used as small transporters, depends on the current needs. In Thailand, this thing would be called a small songthaew (=“two rows”) because there are two benches for passengers on the left and on the right.
Two shots of our lovely hotel in Jianshui
…in which we found a “Steve Jobs” memorial hair dryer. ;-) An iFön
The main attraction of Jianshui is a large old mansion (“Zuh’s Garden”) in the city centre that has been renovated into a museum.

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