First impressions of Mandalay
Here are some of my first impressions from Mandalay, Myanmar.
A lorry, made in Burma.
Seen on backside of a building in central Mandalay. Was tap water an afterthought here?
The newer street signs are apparently all sponsored by Panasonic. Regarding the street lighting, it seems that no sponsor has been found yet… ;-)
Because in Myanmar’s second largest city, there is none, not even in the center. It gives you an odd feeling to see that it is just 7 o’clock in the evening and the streets are pitchblack, only lighted by the lamps from inside houses and shops (and the cars).
Residential roads in central Mandalay. Many roads that are not main roads are unpaved, even in the city centre. Along the riverside are a few shanty homes built so close to the river that I think they will have to disassemble their homes before the next rain season and move further up or somewhere else. I am guessing the people there work on and about the boats which lie at anchor at the shore.