Clonk is dead! Long live Clonk
Matthes Bender, the creator of Clonk, announced in the German Forum that his days as an indie-game developer are numbered, he works now as a senior developer in a game company. So, he won’t have time for Clonk anymore.
(What is Clonk? Clonk is a very original 2D indie-game series. Clonk Rage runs natively on Mac and Linux, too. I’ve been developing quite a few add-ons for that game now and been part of the official development team.)
Clonk Xtreme, the 3D-action melee title, regrettably will be frozen for unknown time. Clonk Rage is already released, so there will be just no further development on that.
However, Matthes agreed to release the source for Clonk under the ISC license as soon as some preconditions are fulfilled such as replacement for some basic graphics and source changes which ensure incompatibility with Clonk Rage which will continue to be distributed as a shareware game.
Development of OpenClonk has already started: A Clonk title which will start from Clonk Rage but will break with the traditions and will surely bring even bigger changes and continuous development than the GWE-era.
OpenClonk will be free – and everybody can contribute!
I set up a forum and website for OpenClonk development about 2 weeks ago – a public repository will hopefully follow in a few weeks.