Impresiones aleatorias #3
This is the third and final flush of random impressions from my last week of travel, this time mostly from Chiapas (Mexico).

This shot is from within a dormitory in a backpacker hostel at lake Atitlan (Guatemala). It’s almost like a tree house :-)

A note in the same hostel: So the news that a particular cash machine was tempered with in Antigua, a city which is about 4 hours away from the lake, reached some relatively isolated backpacker hostel but not the authorities right at the bank? Wow. I guess this is Guatemala :-P

This is how a tourist village can also look like :-). Even though it’s very developed touristically, San Pedro la Laguna has a nice laid-back atmosphere.

This is one of these typical mini tiendas (kiosks) at Los Encuentros – a crossroads where many travellers change the busses. In Guatemala, many shops at crowded places are secured like this. Note the advertisements :-)

In this church, they put Jesus in another pose for a change, not just on the crucifix. To create this radiant effect on Jesus, they tied lots of white (cotton) strings from the center to the border. Gives a nice effect, IMO.

A pimped up VW Käfer in the streets of San Cristobal de las Casas (Chiapas, Mexico). There are loads and loads of VW cars in Mexico, and most of them are VW Käfers and VW vans (T1-T3 – the old ones). I think I saw more VW cars in Mexico than in Germany, actually – VW has a very good reputation here :-). The VW vans are used as public transportation as the so called “collectivos” – more or less taxis with a fixed route and a fixed price which will leave as soon as they are full.

The best advertisement for a barber shop (peluceria), isn’t it? Who wouldn’t like to have a mane like him?? :-D (Who exactly is that, by the way?)

The market area in San Cristobal. I like those shots of chaotic streets with a lot of people doing their business. But this is not how whole San Cristobal looks like, it looks like…

What meat+potatoes is for us Germans, the taco is for Mexico. It’s basically just a wheat tortilla with meat, onions and salsa but it’s really good :-) (at least this one on the picture)